Coordination of Student Internships and Job Shadowing

High school graduates who have built a foundation of STEM skills by progressing through LHER’s programs are now applying those skills in college while preparing for their chosen careers. LHER’s program graduates are currently pursuing college degrees in fields such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, cyber forensics, and biotechnology.


How LHER Helps Launch Robotic Teams:

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Help with Experience

LHER, Inc. shares what their teams have learned to help FLL students transition to FTC.


Help with Funding

LHER, Inc. directs coaches in the FIRST grant process and share how their teams have obtained funding from other souces.

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Help with Parts

LHER, Inc. uses their established relationships with robotics vendors to help new teams make connections to obtain gift certificates or free parts from completing FTC registration.

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Help Navigate the Season

LHER, Inc. comes alongside new FTC teams to help them experience success. Their team's coaches and students can answer questions, share lessons learned, practice together, provide guidance and tips, and do everything possible to help new teams experience the same levels of success that their teams have had, and beyond.

831 Soap Hollow Road | Hollsopple, PA 15935-8416 | 814-288-5785